Subastas Darley

Meet Darley



We are a company specialized in the jewellery, art, and antiques market. Our only mission is to connect everyone in the sector and revitalize the art market in Valencia. Therefore, we offer a wide range of services to promote the flow of art: personalized artist exhibitions to extraordinary in the room auctions and private buy/sell between clients.

Since 2013, we have played the role of an online auction; investing in an innovative bidding system, a dynamic team of experts and a select audience of avid collectors and bold bidders.

Now we have taken the ultimate step, pouring all our knowledge and devotion into the construction of the largest in the room auction hall in the Mediterranean and, possibly, in Spain. Darley Autions has a large coverage of the international market, based on more than 8 million viewers worldwide and reinforced with multiple platforms that open the doors of the Spanish commerce to more than 50 countries.

We have come a long way; however, our progress continues.


We have new high-level facilities of which more than a thousand square meters are only destined for in the room auctions. Likewise, we have the Art Gallery, a fully equipped space ready to be periodically transformed into an exhibition hall for artists of approximately eight hundred square meters, and a permanent exhibition area for watches and jewellery. Without forgetting the administration and accounting offices, the photographic and gemmological laboratory and the areas for the appraisal and restoration service.

Darley Auctions takes the convenience of its customers in high regard. For this reason, we have set up a beautiful rest and relaxation area for your enjoyment, consisting of an elegant private cafeteria and a beautiful VIP room. Similarly, for the tranquillity of the clients who leave their items in our hands, we have our own warehouses, safe deposit boxes and vault. The general storeroom is equipped with platforms raised to three heights. On the other hand, the paintings’ storage is based on a system of sliding panels in the shape of an accordion, which protects the works from scratches, wear, or any other contact between items.

Finally, 24-hour protection by private security agents, the presence of offices, constant patrols of the National Police and the latest generation systems provide our vault with the highest level of security, comparable even to that of banks. These spaces are intended for the delight of customers who deposit or store pieces of immense value.

información sobre la ayuda obtenida de la Unión.

Darley Arts, sl. has received an aid of €1,700 for MovesII Vehiculos Comunidad Valenciana of the European Union from the Next Generation EU Fund, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, for the acquisition of vehicles “plug-in” and fuel cell electric vehicles within the Production Incentives Program efficient and sustainable mobility (MOVES III Valencian Community Vehicles Program) of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge through the IDAE, managed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE).

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