Subastas Darley


Agate "Longevity" plaque, Qing dynasty, Qianlong

Lot 5.

Plaque carved from a single piece of agate. It depicts in relief an old woman, half-kneeling and wearing a tunic, looking at a blossoming tree and two birds. The design matches the tonality of the stone. The transparency and quality of the carving are exceptional, and it is in very good condition. It has a cord with a bead (on the back).

Heilongjiang agate is found in the northwest of the province. This carbon dioxide mineral is of gem grade and is a variant of chalcedony. Agate from this region has beautiful and warm colours, rich colours and a hard texture, very useful for carved crafts. This product was used as a tribute in the Qing dynasty. 

In Chinese culture the elders symbolise longevity and the arrival of two birds means a good omen. The idiom "双喜临门" (double happiness) indicates that two happy events come together.

Provenance: Important collection of Tommy Lam, Hong Kong, since 1980.

Size: 6 x 4.2 cm; Weight: 50 g

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