Subastas Darley


Chinese painting “Avalokiteśvara and his celestial court”, Qing dynasty

Awarded For. 1.900 €
Lot 87.

Painting and pigments on silk. It shows with great technical skill and deep symbolism the representation of the revered bodhisattva Avalokitesvara with his celestial court. 

In the center of the composition is shown Avalokitesvara, known as the bodhisattva of compassion, dressed in an exquisite celestial robe of vibrant red, blue and green, full of gold embroidered details and small hanging jewels that cover his head, forming a rich headdress ending in a high tiara. Six of her arms carry sacred and ritual elements such as the dorje and the bell, while the two central ones are joined by the palms, at chest level, in “anjali mudra”; all of them are adorned with bracelets and golden bangles with inlaid stones. The expression is serene and compassionate, with the eyes open, including the third eye of illumination, the closed mouth drawing a subtle smile, and the fine eyebrows framing the face. Behind him, a golden halo highlights the divinity of the character.

Just behind him, a disciple or divine assistant is arranged, also decorated with detailed attire and ornaments of soft colors, carrying in her hands a high banner from which hangs a mobile object made up of four bells or similar elements, long ribbons and beautiful colored beads.

At the feet of Avalokitesvara, a large creature is observed, a white ox in a protective posture with big eyes and intimidating look, symbol of the strength and protection that the deity offers to the devotees. Next to him and carrying his reins, a demon with a deformed body and intense face.  The background is filled with stylized clouds, which create an ethereal and divine atmosphere. The clouds are painted in a flowing, curvilinear style, providing a sense of movement and depth. The overall composition conveys a celestial and majestic atmosphere, typical of religious and mythological depictions of the time.

An inscription “和碩莊親王發心誠造” is shown on the lower right side of the painting.

Size: 114.5 x 64.5 cm; Size with frame: 117 x 67.8 cm


- French private collection. 


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