Subastas Darley


Christel Stührmann (act. 1899 - 1998) Model of the Dampfer "Arion".

Lot 339.

Model of the German steamship "Arion" made by the model and precision mechanics workshop Christel Stührmann (active from 1899 to 1998) in Hamburg. This workshop made numerous ship models that are now in different entities, museums and private collections all over the world.

The construction of these types of models is strictly based on the shipyard's construction plans and to recreate them to perfection takes countless hours. Since the beginning of the 20th century Hamburg has had model shipbuilding companies and shipyards, the heyday of which was in the 1950's and 1960's. The models made in this period and by this workshop are outstanding for their detail and quality and are a great collector's item.

The ship "Arion" was built in 1927 by the Actien-Gesellschaft "Weser" (act. 1872 - 1926), located outside Bremen and engaged in naval engineering, for the steamship company Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Neptun", also from Bremen, for its Iberia service. In 1945 she was bombed by Allied aircraft and suffered damage that was repaired in 1950, which led to the ship being modified. In 1961 she was scrapped.

Protected by a showcase located on a wooden console.

Size: 45 x 20 x 136 cm; Showcase Size: 63,5 x 32 x 156 cm; Table Size: 80,7 x 39,5 x 164,5 cm.

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