Subastas Darley


"Double dragon" jade plaque, Qing dynasty, 18th century

Lot 71.

Yellow jade 黃玉 (Huáng yù) from Hetian in the shape of a plaque, carved on both sides. It changes from the inside to the outside with caramel-coloured spots on the surface. The front face has two dragons facing each other, and the back face has curling clouds. In the centre is an empty space. At the upper end it is tied with a cord and a bead (posterior). In very good condition.

Represents the "雙龍太極" (Double dragon Tai Chi) which according to Taoist ideology is a concept of duality that refers to opposing but complementary fundamental forces. It can be found in all things in the universe, that is, every creature, object or thought possesses a complement on which it depends for its existence and which in turn exists within itself. From this it follows that nothing exists in a pure state, nor even in absolute stillness, but in a continuous transformation. Moreover, any idea can be seen as its opposite if viewed from another point of view.

Provenance: Important collection of Tommy Lam, Hong Kong, from 1980.

Size: 6.3 x 1.3 x 4.3 cm; Weight: 76 g

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