Subastas Darley


"Phoenix" green glazed tile, Qing dynasty

Lot 74.

A large fired ceramic tile with a concave, elongated shape, covered with a deep-green glaze. 

On the upper side, it represents a phoenix bird, a mythological animal frequently represented in Chinese culture, with an upright and solemn posture. The head, crowned by a prominent crest formed by curved lines running down to the nape of the neck, looks straight ahead, with the beak closed, and the eyes opened. The body is covered by feathers executed with fine incised details, and on it rest both folded wings that emerge from the chest and tilt backwards to cover the back. A long and wide tail decorated with multiple details connects the bird's body with the tile. Two elongated and robust paws emerge from the pit, covered by large feathers and ending in four sharpened claws in each of them.

The brilliant glaze spreads over the surface of the piece without reaching the inside, revealing the characteristic ochre colour on the base, to which an ancient label is attached. Qing Dynasty (1644–1912). 

Size: 31.9 x 29,6 x 16.6 cm


- Admiral Giscaulime, belonging to the French expeditionary forces in China, 19th century. (1860s).

- Current private French collection obtained, directly from the previous sole owner.

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