Subastas Darley


Silver sculpture "Shakyamuni Buddha", Qianlong period.

Lot 150.

Silver Buddha sculpture (银佛) in "bhumisparsha mudra" or "touching the earth" position symbolizing enlightenment. The Buddha figure is seated in lotus position "padmasana" performing the mudra gesture "touching earth" with the right hand and with the left hand on the lap in attitude of offering a medicinal fruit. He is seated on a double lotus base and dressed in a simple robe with a single decorative border. The Buddha's face is serene, with his ears distended and his curly hair tied in a bun. On the base is engraved the Vajrayana symbol in the shape of a cross whose blades have the shape of "dorje" or lotuses, it is a symbol of enlightenment. 

Height: 18 cm; Weight: 1672 g


European private collection.

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