Subastas Darley


Small enamelled "Dragon" dish, Xuantong (1909 - 1911)

Lot 106.

On the base is a six-character seal 大清宣统年制 (made in the Xuantong reign of the Qing dynasty) in underglaze glaze.

A small dish delicately moulded in porcelain with very thin walls and decorated in green and aubergine enamel on a yellow ground. In the centre of the dish, inscribed within a double circle, are two facing dragons, executed with 'anhua' decoration, flying among flames and chasing a pearl. On the reverse are branches of grapes. There is a black circle before the rim and before the foot. 

The term 'anhua' refers to any type of incised and cut decoration made with a sharp tool on unfired porcelain before applying the glaze. 

Height: 2.70 cm Diameter: 12.80 cm; Base diameter: 7.40 cm; Weight: 88 g



European private collection.

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