Subastas Darley


Spanish School 18th century "La madre santísima de la luz".

Lot 324.

Oil on canvas. In the center is represented the Virgin with the Child Jesus on a phylactery that indicates "...AVE MARIA LVCIS AETERNA MATER" under a crown and escorted by seraphim among clouds. Jesus holds in his hand a flaming heart offered to him from a tray by an angel on his knees. At the same time, with his right hand, he holds by the wrist a young man who represents a soul in danger of being lost. It is preserved quite restored and re-enteled.

This Marian invocation was spread by the Jesuit missionaries and forbidden because it was considered doubtful. According to the catholic dogma, the Virgin cannot intercede directly and save a soul from hell, although in this case she only prevents it from falling, it can be interpreted in a wrong way.

Size: 130 x 89 cm; Size with frame: 144 x 104 cm

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