Subastas Darley

18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’

Home > Direct Sale > Old Master Paintings > 18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’

18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’

Lot. 38001585/443
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 17:55 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 18:11 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 10 h. - 40 m. - 39 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Oil on canvas, possibly cut out at a later date. It shows a young San Juanito seated, pointing with his right hand to a small lamb resting at his feet, and carrying in his left hand a wooden cross adorned with an elongated phylactery.

Size: 70 x 45 cm; Size with frame: 81 x 57 cm

18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 118th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 218th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 318th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 418th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 5
18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’18th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 118th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 218th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 318th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 418th century Spanish School ‘Saint John the Baptist as a child’ - 5
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