Subastas Darley

Artur Heras (1945) "Inventari fi de siècle"

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Artur Heras (1945) "Inventari fi de siècle"

Lot. R28017221/508
Start the . 13 Abr 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 03:49 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 21 h. - 12 m. - 28 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Silkscreen. Signed "heras" and numbered "125/300" in pencil in the lower margin. Made for the folder "Pinturas. 25 years. Universitat Politècnica de València" of 1993. With frame.

Paper size: 69 x 49 cm; Plate size: 64 x 42 cm; Size with frame: 78 x 58 cm


Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945)
Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945) Artur Heras (1945)
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