Subastas Darley

Carved and golden wood console, 20th century

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Carved and golden wood console, 20th century

Lot. R28109174/601
Start the . 30 Dic 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 20:30 PM
Substraction. 273 days - 0 h. - 58 m. - 18 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Carved wood with cabriole-shaped legs and leaf reliefs with scrolls. The lid is covered by a piece of carved marble. In very good condition.

Size: 83.50 x 127.50 x 54 cm

Carved and golden wood console, 20th centuryCarved and golden wood console, 20th century - 1Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 2Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 3Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 4Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 5Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 6Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 7
Carved and golden wood console, 20th centuryCarved and golden wood console, 20th century - 1Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 2Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 3Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 4Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 5Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 6Carved and golden wood console, 20th century - 7
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