Carved jade archer's ring, early 20th century
Carved jade archer's ring, early 20th century
Lot. 28021192/271
Start the . 03 Jul 2024 18:24 PM
Finish. 30 Dic 2025 02:23 AM
Substraction. 372 days - 14 h. - 2 m. - 7 s.
Estimated Value.
A carved jade archer's ring (板指) of light greenish-tan jade with reddish and brownish flecks. The shape is smooth and undecorated. It is in very good condition, with wear.
This type of ring is placed on the thumb of the right hand to attach the string when archery is practised. Over time they have become more decorative than functional.
Height: 2.7 cm, Diameter: 3.3 cm
Weight: 29 g