Subastas Darley

Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Works of Art > Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century

Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century

Lot. 38002001/319
Start the . 29 Oct 2024 19:24 PM
Finish. 27 Dic 2025 01:30 AM
Substraction. 275 days - 17 h. - 29 m. - 7 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Carved stone figure in the form of an old man dressed in long robes holding a peach in his hands. It is placed on a bronze and marble pedestal, from which it is separated. 

Sculpture size: 25 x 14 x 13 x 13 cm (approx.); Base size: 34 x 13 x 14 x 14 cm (approx.); Total height: 55.5 cm (approx.)

Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th centuryCarved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 1Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 2Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 3Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 4Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 5Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 6Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 7Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 8Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 9Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 10Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 11
Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th centuryCarved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 1Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 2Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 3Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 4Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 5Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 6Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 7Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 8Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 9Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 10Carved stone figure ‘Old man with peach’, 20th century - 11
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