Subastas Darley

Chinese painting "Characters at the table" 20th century

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Painting > Chinese painting "Characters at the table" 20th century

Chinese painting "Characters at the table" 20th century

Lot. R28018888/54
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 13:32 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 00:51 AM
Substraction. 328 days - 11 h. - 59 m. - 3 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Watercolor on paper with silk frame. It shows a banquet with high officials and two servants. On the right side there is an inscription surrounded by seals. And both sides an inscription made in ink on a paper adhered to the frame.

Painting size: 122 x 60 cm; Measure with frame: 194 x 81 cm

Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting
Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting Chinese painting
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