Subastas Darley

Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui "Characters and mountains"

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Painting > Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui "Characters and mountains"

Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui "Characters and mountains"

Lot. 28018915/111
Start the . 10 Abr 2024 16:02 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 09:39 AM
Substraction. 343 days - 1 h. - 36 m. - 54 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Watercolour and pigments on canvas, with a silk or wove frame. The scene shows a personage in front of a mule while conversing with two other travellers in a mountainous landscape, which is surrounded by some branches. There are inscriptions at the top right and on the frames, one followed by some seals. In good condition, with wear.

Size: 134.3 x 68.9 cm; Size with frame: 200 x 809 cm

Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui
Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui Chinese painting with signature Zou Yigui
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