Enamelled bronze cloisonné vase, 20th century
Enamelled bronze cloisonné vase, 20th century
Lot. R28014973/83
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 02:10 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 17 h. - 45 m. - 53 s.
Estimated Value.
A rounded vase with two handles in the shape of an elephant's head on a tripod foot and a circular base. The body is decorated in cloisonné enamel, depicting two bands of lotus scrolls on a blue background, and various borders. The elbows of the tripod are in the shape of a beast's head. With small faults and without a lid.
Size: 37 x 15.5 x 22 cm