Subastas Darley

Escuela inglesa, early 20th century "St Cacilia"

Home > Direct Sale > Sculpture > Escuela inglesa, early 20th century "St Cacilia"

Escuela inglesa, early 20th century "St Cacilia"

Lot. R28018091/472
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 17:48 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 06:24 AM
Substraction. 299 days - 2 h. - 27 m. - 48 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Glazed ceramic. Depicts a lady in medieval dress with an inscription on the front stating "St Cacilia". No signatures or marks are visible.

Provenance: Great family collection, Germany, since 90's.

Height: 36,5 cm

Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century
Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century Escuela inglesa, early 20th century
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