Subastas Darley

Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century

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Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century

Lot. R28013373/168
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 14:19 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 02:50 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 16 h. - 37 m. - 56 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Blue and white porcelain vase with four decorated sides. In the center are dragons, among flowers, chasing flaming pearls over the sea. On the base it has an apocryphal mark "大明嘉靖年制". In very good condition, no tears.

Size: 17.8 x 12.7 cm

Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th centuryFlowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 1Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 2Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 3Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 4Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 5Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 6Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 7Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 8
Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th centuryFlowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 1Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 2Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 3Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 4Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 5Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 6Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 7Flowerpot, blue and white, with dragons, 20th century - 8
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