Subastas Darley

Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century

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Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century

Lot. R28011214/215
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 03:30 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 18 h. - 54 m. - 29 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Set of four chairs made of carved wood with decorative panels in relief, arms in the form of scrolls, turned legs and chambranas and grille seat.

Size: 88 x 51,5 x 53 cm (ud.)

Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th centuryFour chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 1Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 2Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 3Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 4Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 5
Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th centuryFour chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 1Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 2Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 3Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 4Four chairs with reliefs and grille seat, Asia, 20th century - 5
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