Subastas Darley

Friedrich Goldscheider "Busto de dama" 19th-20th century

Home > Direct Sale > Sculpture > Friedrich Goldscheider "Busto de dama" 19th-20th century

Friedrich Goldscheider "Busto de dama" 19th-20th century

Lot. R28018095/481
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 17:52 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 06:31 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 23 h. - 5 m. - 18 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Polychrome terracotta bust. It represents a lady with comb, mantilla and ball gown. The reverse shows two stamps stamped "Friedrich Goldscheider Wien" and "Reproduction reservée" next to the model "1607 / 13 / 13 / 39/ P". Shows a missing nose and wear.

Provenance: Great family collection, Germany, since 90's.

Height: 35,5 cm

Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider
Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider Friedrich Goldscheider
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