Subastas Darley

Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century

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Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century

Lot. 28020844/273
Start the . 29 Oct 2024 18:47 PM
Finish. 27 Dic 2025 01:09 AM
Substraction. 369 days - 9 h. - 30 m. - 39 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Made in crystal or glass “琉璃” (liuli) of blue hue, with incised and embossed decorations. It has a flat circular body, hollow in the center, decorated on both sides, by the continuous scene of a pond with lotuses, water lilies and a small carp swimming with its tail outstretched. With incised stamp on the base “乾隆年制”. Possible 20th century.

Size: 7.7 x 2.3 x 6 cm

Weight: 92 g

Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th centuryGlass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 1Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 2Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 3Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 4Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 5Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 6Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 7
Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th centuryGlass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 1Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 2Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 3Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 4Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 5Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 6Glass snuff bottle ‘Fishes’, 20th century - 7
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