Subastas Darley

Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century

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Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century

Lot. 28021090/776
Start the . 04 Jul 2024 20:36 PM
Finish. 30 Dic 2025 06:24 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 11 h. - 26 m. - 3 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Carved wood, after the English models of Protestant churches, in Gothic style with two pointed arches and carved decorations. With commemorative plaque.

Size: 92 x 36 x 62 cm

Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th centuryGothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 1Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 2Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 3Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 4Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 5Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 6Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 7Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 8
Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th centuryGothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 1Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 2Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 3Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 4Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 5Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 6Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 7Gothic carved wooden lectern, 20th century - 8
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