Subastas Darley

Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle

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Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle

Lot. 28020702/166
Start the . 12 Abr 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 11:52 AM
Substraction. 280 days - 3 h. - 37 m. - 16 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

White and green glazed porcelain decorated on both sides with central scenes. One shows an old man seated, and the other a peasant doing his work.  20th century

The base has a Qianlong seal in relief.

Height: approx. 8 cm

Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottleGreen and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 1Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 2Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 3Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 4Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 5Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 6Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 7
Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottleGreen and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 1Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 2Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 3Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 4Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 5Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 6Green and white glazed porcelain snuff bottle - 7
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