Subastas Darley

Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Porcelain & Ceramics > Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan

Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan

Lot. R28010796/189
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 03:07 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 16 h. - 43 m. - 15 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price
Lot consists of a hexagonal bowl and a plate with cut profile. Made of porcelain decorated with glazes in blue and red on white, placed under a layer of glaze. It shows vegetal motifs and flowers in the Japanese Imari style.
Bowl height: 10,5 cm; Bowl diameter: 20 cm; Plate size: 6 x 24 cm
Imari porcelain bowl and plate, JapanImari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 1Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 2Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 3Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 4Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 5Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 6
Imari porcelain bowl and plate, JapanImari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 1Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 2Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 3Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 4Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 5Imari porcelain bowl and plate, Japan - 6
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