Jade archer's ring ‘Mask’, Shang style
Jade archer's ring ‘Mask’, Shang style
Lot. 28020788/269
Start the . 29 Oct 2024 18:46 PM
Finish. 27 Dic 2025 01:05 AM
Substraction. 275 days - 18 h. - 18 m. - 44 s.
Estimated Value.
A jade archer's ring (板指) of dark, greyish-greenish jade with bas-relief decoration. It has a slightly curved profile, with incisions in the lower part, decorated with the representation of a humanoid mask, with an intimidating expression, large eyes, straight hair and a flat nose, followed by traditional archaic motifs, traditionally used in the Shang period.
Size: 3.4 x 3.6 x 3.8 cm
Weight: 43 g