Subastas Darley

Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty

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Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty

Lot. 28020805/272
Start the . 03 Jul 2024 18:25 PM
Finish. 30 Dic 2025 02:24 AM
Substraction. 301 days - 6 h. - 20 m. - 10 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Exquisite white jade stamp carved in a single piece. Formed by a quadrangular and robust base, adorned on its four faces by archaic motifs in relief, divided by a central braided band. In the upper area there is an imposing dragon with its body folded on itself, looking straight ahead and its jaws open, revealing its sharp teeth. It is placed on a base made up of multiple intertwined bodies of smaller dragons, of which one can barely glimpse the tangled tails or the sturdy legs. 

At the base, four characters “石易之印” are carved in relief. Traditionally, jade seals not only had a practical function, but were also a symbol of power and social status. The dragon figure itself underscores the importance of the owner and his connection to the upper classes and even imperial power. 

Size: 7.8 x 5.6 x 5.6 cm

Weight: 580 g


Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han DynastyJade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 1Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 2Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 3Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 4Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 5Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 6Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 7
Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han DynastyJade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 1Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 2Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 3Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 4Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 5Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 6Jade stamp “Dragon in the Clouds”, Western Han Dynasty - 7
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