Subastas Darley

Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century

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Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century

Lot. R28011212/213
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 03:29 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 18 h. - 44 m. - 4 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Jewelry box and pedestal made of carved and assembled wood, decorated with openwork motifs and polychrome. The front shows three registers of drawers with leaf panels on the front and on the sides other square panels of dragons. The skirt is trimmed with reliefs of elephants and dragons.

Size: 51 x 28 x 52 cm

Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th centuryJewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century - 1Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century - 2Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century - 3
Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th centuryJewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century - 1Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century - 2Jewelry box on pedestal, in polychrome wood, Peranakan, 20th century - 3
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