Lacquered wooden folding screen, China, 20th century
Lacquered wooden folding screen, China, 20th century
Lot. R28012887/205
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 03:17 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 18 h. - 59 m. - 57 s.
Estimated Value.
Carved and lacquered wood with hard stone applications. Scene depicting a palace garden with ladies and a large pagoda in the center. The back is painted in gilt depicting bamboo branches, peonies, chrysanthemums and cherry tree. The shape is circular and at the top is a sign with four Chinese characters "金玉滿堂" held by two servants. The base is formed by two lions carved on the front.
Size: 184 x 180 cm