Subastas Darley

Lot of four English trays, 19th century

Home > Direct Sale > Ceramics & Porcelain > Lot of four English trays, 19th century

Lot of four English trays, 19th century

Lot. R28015941/584
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 18:30 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 07:46 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 23 h. - 3 m. - 22 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Earthenware with decoration applied under glaze on a cream glaze. Lot consists of a large tray for serving meats and three trays that form a set in different sizes. The first one has a mark of "Conway P.B & S" of 1880 and the rest of "Keeling & Co" model "Albany" of the same period, all located at the base.

Length: 53.5 cm; 45.5 cm; 40.5 cm; 35.5 cm; Width: 43.5 cm; 37.2 cm; 33 cm; 29 cm

Lot of four English trays, 19th centuryLot of four English trays, 19th century - 1Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 2Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 3Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 4Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 5Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 6Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 7
Lot of four English trays, 19th centuryLot of four English trays, 19th century - 1Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 2Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 3Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 4Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 5Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 6Lot of four English trays, 19th century - 7
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