Subastas Darley

Lot of French engravings.

Home > Direct Sale > Graphic work > Lot of French engravings.

Lot of French engravings.

Lot. 28010601/251
Start the . 11 Oct 2020 09:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 01:30 AM
Substraction. 373 days - 14 h. - 15 m. - 33 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Lot of French engravings.

According to J.M Moreau and J.B Simonet, "Le Couché de la mariee" Reproduction of the engraving of P.A Baudouin. Etching, 20th century.

According to N. Lavereince "Le billet doux" Reproduction of the engraving by N. De Launay. Etching, 20th century.

46x35 cm

Lot of French engravings.Lot of French engravings. - 1Lot of French engravings. - 2Lot of French engravings. - 3
Lot of French engravings.Lot of French engravings. - 1Lot of French engravings. - 2Lot of French engravings. - 3
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