Subastas Darley

Marquetry table, 1987

Home > Direct Sale > Decorative Arts > Marquetry table, 1987

Marquetry table, 1987

Lot. R28017134/562
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 07:24 AM
Substraction. 279 days - 23 h. - 11 m. - 33 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Coat of arms of the city of Valencia with the most representative buildings, the senyera and some citrus fruits made in marquetry on a framed board. 

Size: 47,7 x 55 cm; Size with frame: 67,4 x 74,3 cm

Marquetry table, 1987Marquetry table, 1987 - 1Marquetry table, 1987 - 2Marquetry table, 1987 - 3Marquetry table, 1987 - 4
Marquetry table, 1987Marquetry table, 1987 - 1Marquetry table, 1987 - 2Marquetry table, 1987 - 3Marquetry table, 1987 - 4
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