Subastas Darley

Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) " Nude in the Bathroom", 1985

Home > Direct Sale > Contemporary Painting > Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) " Nude in the Bathroom", 1985

Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) " Nude in the Bathroom", 1985

Lot. R28017206/415
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 05:42 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 19 h. - 13 m. - 36 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Acrylic on canvas. Signed and dated "Martin Caballero / 85" and dated on the painting over the bathtub.

Size: 130,5 x 97 cm; Size with frame: 145 x 112 cm

Martin Caballero (1950 - 2010) was a Valencian painter, born in Yecla, who in the mid-seventies stood out with his neo-figurative style. He stands out in his way of representing figures, shapes and for his distinguished symbolism.

Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010)
Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010) Martín Caballero (1950 - 2010)
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