Subastas Darley

Pair of porcelain enamelled vases

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Pair of porcelain enamelled vases

Lot. 28020261/215
Start the . 10 Abr 2024 17:28 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 01:08 AM
Substraction. 373 days - 6 h. - 19 m. - 7 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Small ceramic vases with enamelled decorations. They have a short neck that widens at the height of the rounded shoulders, and descends, narrowing on the base. On the shoulders, it has a decorative trimming with roleos, flowers and Buddhist treasures. Both the body and neck have a continued scene of a landscape, covered by lotus, birds, butterflies and suiseki rocks. 

Length: 22 cm.

Pair of porcelain enamelled vasesPair of porcelain enamelled vases - 1Pair of porcelain enamelled vases - 2Pair of porcelain enamelled vases - 3Pair of porcelain enamelled vases - 4
Pair of porcelain enamelled vasesPair of porcelain enamelled vases - 1Pair of porcelain enamelled vases - 2Pair of porcelain enamelled vases - 3Pair of porcelain enamelled vases - 4
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