Subastas Darley

Pascual Alcayne (19th century) "Venetian Carnival", 1895

Home > Direct Sale > Valencian paintings 19th-20th century > Pascual Alcayne (19th century) "Venetian Carnival", 1895

Pascual Alcayne (19th century) "Venetian Carnival", 1895

Lot. 28019327/420
Start the . 21 Dic 2023 17:21 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 16:53 PM
Substraction. 280 days - 8 h. - 17 m. - 29 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Oil on canvas. Signed on the lower-left "P. Alcayne 95". Little information is known about this painter to date. With carved and gilded wooden frame.

Size: 50 x 80.5 cm; Size with frame: 60 x 107 cm

Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century)
Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century) Pascual Alcayne (19th century)
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