Subastas Darley

Porcelain enamelled figurine "Seated Woman", 19th century

Home > Direct Sale > Ceramics & Porcelain > Porcelain enamelled figurine "Seated Woman", 19th century

Porcelain enamelled figurine "Seated Woman", 19th century

Lot. R28019413/659
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 20:00 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 21:58 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 13 h. - 5 m. - 49 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Porcelain enamelled figure of an elegant lady seated on a sofa with footrest. No marks are visible. In very good condition.

Size: 25 x 18 x 12 cm

Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine
Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine Porcelain enamelled figurine
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