Subastas Darley

Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) "Lady with mantilla"

Home > Direct Sale > 19th century paintings > Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) "Lady with mantilla"

Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) "Lady with mantilla"

Lot. 28018100/439
Start the . 26 Oct 2023 18:06 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 01:35 AM
Substraction. 373 days - 10 h. - 9 m. - 1 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Oil on board. Signed "Rubio" in the upper right corner.

Size: 12,8 x 9,8 cm; Size with frame: 25 x 21 cm

Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910)
Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910) Ramón Muñoz Rubio (1867 - 1910)
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