Seating furniture group upholstered in green velvet, 20th Century
Seating furniture group upholstered in green velvet, 20th Century
Lot. R28017145/473
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 06:25 AM
Substraction. 277 days - 11 h. - 38 m. - 15 s.
Estimated Value.
Consists of a sofa, two armchairs and two chairs made of carved wood, possibly walnut, in Elizabethan style. The decorative details are on the front of the legs, the center of the waist and the top. They show delicately carved palmettes, acanthus, bouquets and rocailles. The arms end in a scroll and the legs in cabriole form. The upholstery is in good condition, although with wear, and is of green velvet. The upholstery is made with springs and webbing.
Seat dimensions: 103 x 50 x 129 cm (approx); Seat dimensions: 99 x 50 x 62,5 cm (approx); Chair dimensions: 95,5 x 43 x 50,5 cm (approx).