Subastas Darley

Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century

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Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century

Lot. 28015757/638
Start the . 28 Oct 2023 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 03:03 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 21 h. - 3 m. - 4 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Etching on paper. The engraving entitled "Fete of St. Isidore at Madrid" has above: "Illustrated Times / June 6, 1868". Those entitled "Las ferias de Madrid"; "General view of Madrid" "General view of the Escurial" and "The Palacio Real of Madrid", come from different series of prints. 

Paper size: 27 x 39.5 cm; 22.5 x 32.5 cm; 23 x 33 cm; 26 x 37 cm; 24 x 33 cm

Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th centurySet of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 1Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 2Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 3Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 4Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 5Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 6Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 7Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 8Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 9
Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th centurySet of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 1Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 2Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 3Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 4Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 5Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 6Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 7Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 8Set of engravings of Madrid, 19th century - 9
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