Subastas Darley

Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century

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Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century

Lot. 38011798
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 20:13 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 22:10 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 14 h. - 16 m. - 11 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Four replicas of historical swords: Conan the Barbarian's sword with dragon hilt, Sir Lancelot's sword Excalibur, Cid Campeador's sword Tizona, Julius Caesar's sword ‘Yellow Death’. 

Blade length: 91 cm; 93 cm; 78.5 cm; 60 cm

Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th centurySet of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 1Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 2Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 3Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 4Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 5Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 6
Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th centurySet of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 1Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 2Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 3Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 4Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 5Set of four decorative historical swords, 20th century - 6
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