Subastas Darley

Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms

Home > Direct Sale > Jade > Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms

Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms

Lot. 28020831/269
Start the . 03 Jul 2024 18:23 PM
Finish. 30 Dic 2025 02:22 AM
Substraction. 278 days - 19 h. - 38 m. - 3 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Four beautiful jade pendants with amber-toned stains and signs of patina due to ageing. 

The first one has a slightly triangular shape, formed by the union of the tails of two phoenixes arranged symmetrically, with a design that repeatedly includes scroll patterns and details made by incisions. The second piece, with a more sinuous morphology that generates a sensation of movement, is formed by two archaic serpents or dragons joined in the center by what looks like a tail covered with scales. The third piece faces two symmetrical bodies of archaic mythological beasts, with serpentine bodies joined in a mirror and ending in a scroll. The fourth and last figure has an almost rectangular composition with a rounded lower edge and a body adorned with fine lines and scales. 

The four pieces reflect the mastery of the carving, with details in opening, and meticulous incisions that run across the entire surface. The excellent quality of the craftsmanship is characteristic of the period, where jade was highly valued for its beauty and great symbolism. 

Sizes: 7.8 x 0.9 x 5.4 cm; 6.3 x 0.9 x 6.6 cm; 5.6 x 0.9 x 7.7 cm; 4.6 x 0.9 x 8.1 cm (order as per image)

Weight: 25.3 g; 35.1 g; 40.3 g; 30.7 g


Set of four jade ornaments, Warring KingdomsSet of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 1Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 2Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 3Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 4Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 5Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 6Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 7
Set of four jade ornaments, Warring KingdomsSet of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 1Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 2Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 3Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 4Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 5Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 6Set of four jade ornaments, Warring Kingdoms - 7
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