Six enamelled German beer steins, 20th century
Six enamelled German beer steins, 20th century
Lot. 38001744/679
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 20:12 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 22:06 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 13 h. - 9 m. - 8 s.
Estimated Value.
Modelled and glazed ceramic, topped by a pewter lid. They all have a circular base and globular body, with manufacturing marks on the base. They are decorated with reliefs and coloured enamels depicting scenes and floral patterns.
Height: 15.5 cm; 14.5 cm; 14.5 cm; 14.5 cm; 13.5 cm; 14 cm; 13.5 cm