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Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Porcelain & Ceramics > Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty

Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty

Lot. R28016599/159
Start the . 29 Feb 2024 14:15 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 02:45 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 16 h. - 16 m. - 36 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Porcelain plates in underglaze blue enamel with decorative elements on the front. Depicts a watery landscape of a mountain in the background and a bouquet in the foreground. Circular profile on a foot with figurative marks on the base. 

Diameter: 6.5 cm (min.) - 8 cm (max.)

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Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynastySmall porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty - 1Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty - 2Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty - 3Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty - 4Small porcelain dishes, blue and white, Qing dynasty - 5
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