Subastas Darley

Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century.

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Works of Art > Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century.

Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century.

Lot. 28011247/45
Start the . 11 Mar 2021 09:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 19:04 PM
Substraction. 374 days - 2 h. - 55 m. - 58 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century.

Fabric and wood.

55 cm

Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century.Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century. - 1Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century. - 2
Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century.Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century. - 1Theater puppet, Wayong Gotek, early 20th century. - 2
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