Subastas Darley

Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century

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Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century

Lot. 38001743/677
Start the . 28 Dic 2024 20:11 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 22:05 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 13 h. - 40 m. - 53 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Ceramics modelled and decorated with coloured glazes. Two of them are decorated with landscapes. The larger one shows the ‘Our Father’ prayer in relief; it was designed in 1910 by Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke and made by Reinhold Merkelbach, Grenzhausen, around 1950/60. All surmounted by a pewter lid. 

Height: 16.5 cm; 34 cm; 24 cm

Three enamelled beer steins, 20th centuryThree enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 1Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 2Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 3Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 4Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 5
Three enamelled beer steins, 20th centuryThree enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 1Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 2Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 3Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 4Three enamelled beer steins, 20th century - 5
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