Subastas Darley

Three-piece suite and two chairs, Isabeline style, 20th century

Home > Direct Sale > Furniture > Three-piece suite and two chairs, Isabeline style, 20th century

Three-piece suite and two chairs, Isabeline style, 20th century

Lot. 28009205-1
Start the . 02 Dic 2019 15:23 PM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 01:13 AM
Substraction. 277 days - 5 h. - 43 m. - 34 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Tresillo and two Elizabethan style chairs, 20th century

Upholstered with striped silk - Needs restoration

Canapé: 110x177x64 cm; Chair: 94x53.5x55cm; Armchair: 104x69x68 cm

Three-piece suite and two chairs, Isabeline style, 20th century
Three-piece suite and two chairs, Isabeline style, 20th century
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