Subastas Darley

Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Porcelain & Ceramics > Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style

Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style

Lot. R28013387/166
Start the . 02 Mar 2024 00:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 02:48 AM
Substraction. 276 days - 17 h. - 22 m. - 15 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

20th century. Vessel with very broad shoulders and concave profile that has a neck with rounded edge. On each side there is a bat as handles. The body has decoration of ponds in the main band between double line and borders of cartouches, flowers and geometries. On one side there is an inscription. It shows a small blow on one handle.

Height: 23 cm; Mouth diameter: 19.8 cm

Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan styleVase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 1Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 2Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 3Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 4Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 5Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 6Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 7Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 8
Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan styleVase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 1Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 2Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 3Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 4Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 5Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 6Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 7Vase with handles, blue and white, Yuan style - 8
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