Subastas Darley

Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century

Home > Direct Sale > Asian Porcelain & Ceramics > Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century

Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century

Lot. 38001674/296
Start the . 27 Dic 2024 19:02 PM
Finish. 26 Dic 2025 17:58 PM
Substraction. 275 days - 10 h. - 27 m. - 39 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

A porcelain vessel with a circular base and an oval body, ending in a small mouth covered by a slightly concave lid. On the body is a fine scene of noble ladies in a beautiful garden with a cherry blossom branch, followed by a poem in black enamel. It shows age-related wear.

Height: 32 cm

Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th centuryVase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 1Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 2Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 3Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 4Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 5Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 6
Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th centuryVase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 1Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 2Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 3Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 4Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 5Vase with lid, pink family, ‘Ladies and poem’, 20th century - 6
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