Subastas Darley

Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century

Home > Direct Sale > Decorative Arts > Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century

Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century

Lot. 28009072/207
Start the . 11 Oct 2020 09:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 23:04 PM
Substraction. 279 days - 12 h. - 58 m. - 51 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century

Marble base.

20x49x9 cm - 4x23x10 cm


Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century
Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century
Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century - 1
Venetian gondola in golden metal, 20th century - 2
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