Subastas Darley

Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) "Landscape"

Home > Direct Sale > Twentieth Century Painting > Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) "Landscape"

Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) "Landscape"

Lot. 28007381/454
Start the . 11 Mar 2021 09:00 AM
Finish. 31 Dic 2025 08:54 AM
Substraction. 373 days - 15 h. - 33 m. - 35 s.
Estimated Value.
Sale price

Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) "Landscape"

Oil on canvas - Signed.

Work Verified by the Specialist.

20x15 cm

Verificado por el Especialista - Verified by  the Specialist.

Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century)
Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century) Vicente Ferrandis (20th century)
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